Beyond TN10

 “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.”

Mark 16:15

BTN10 is the work of TBC beyond our local community, much of which happens overseas. We develop relationships with our Mission Partners, engaging TBC in mission, encouraging participation practically, financially and in prayer. The two-way relationships enable regular visits, interviews, mission trips and prayer support through “TBC Global” and prayer in the Evening Services on the 3rd Sunday each month.

For the latest news from our mission partners please download this month’s TBC Global.

December 2024 – January 2025 TBC Global


Ebbsfleet Baptist Church

Penny Marsh leads the recently planted Baptist Church, seeking to connect with the residents of Ebbsfleet Garden City where she and her family live, building relationships and sharing faith in innovative and relevant ways. These include creative forms of church called ‘Sunday Active’ and ‘Sunday Active Kids’ ‘Run4Fun’ and ‘Friday Coffee Mornings’.

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Fulani Ministries

Boureima and Susanna Diallo lead Fulani Ministries whose vision is to spread the Gospel amongst the Fulani people. Living across 19 African countries, the 25 million Fulani are one of the largest unreached people groups in the world. Much of the work is centred at the Jam Tan training school in Burkina Faso, which trains Fulani Christians in discipleship and church planting, as well as serving the local community providing education, healthcare, poverty relief and practical skills training.

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Mission Rwentobo

Mission Rwentobo is a registered charity founded by an intergenerational group made up of members of TBC and others that have developed links with Rwentobo, Uganda.  Mission Rwentobo Teams have been to Uganda eight times since 2016 to lead projects and to build and establish Hope Community Clinic which the charity continues to support through fund raising projects.

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Oasis Belgium

Phil Lane founded Oasis Belgium, which is a charitable organisation that aims to provide relevant assistance to the most vulnerable groups in Belgium, offering support and helping them to find community, giving particular attention to victims of human trafficking, domestic violence and to  isolated seniors.

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Prison Ministry

A group from TBC and other local churches, led by Chris Coverly, who have a vision for the support of Chaplains in local prisons, seek to share the Gospel, as is possible, within the prison environment by leading Sunday Services. They also facilitate Sycamore Tree Restorative Justice courses within the prisons, giving hope to prisoners, that they can change and turn their lives around.

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Tek Ura

Dan and Annie Dupree lead ‘Tek Ura’ (‘at the bridge’) an Albanian charity working among some of the poorest and most marginalised people in Europe. Their vision, along with their Albanian Team, is to provide a place for local people to meet and experience God and to empower them to help one another. Since 2016 they established a community centre in Tirana and, more recently, one in Durres, where they provide health rehabilitation, education, welfare support and have built Christian faith communities.

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Wycliffe Bible Translators

Philip and Suzie Burgess arrived in Nigeria in 2023 to work with Wycliffe Bible Translators to be involved, through linguistics and translation work, in enabling the Bible to be available in the language of the local people.

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For more information speak to

Paul Martin

Chair of Beyond TN10
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