Oasis Belgium
About us
Phil Lane founded Oasis Belgium, which is a charitable organisation that aims to provide relevant assistance to the most vulnerable groups in Belgium, offering support and helping them to find community.
The Welkom project supports migrant women who are victims of abuse and exploitation. Many find themselves in situations of human trafficking or an abusive relationship. Through the Oasis helpline, they are helped to escape exploitation and find community, employment and access to lawyers.
The Buurtbar Project runs a neighbourhood mobile café that aims to reconnect vulnerable elderly residents to their neighbourhood in Beringen and combat social isolation by teaching them how to use the internet.
Who are we?
Phil and Rachel live with their 4 children near Brussels. Phil has been serving with Oasis since 1994. Rachel is a classroom assistant in a local school.
How is TBC supporting us?
- Ongoing personal financial support
- Regularly featured in TBC GLOBAL
- TBC provided fund raising training for Phil and his team to help them raise finances for the work more effectively
- Prayer
- For financial sustainability
- That favour with government officials grows and translates into funding
- For effective collaboration with the local government / social services as an important means of reaching those in need
- For the vulnerable women and elderly with whom they are working
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