“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.”
Philippians 4:6
We believe in the power of prayer to ask God to change lives and situations or to walk with us through them.
At our Sunday Pray gatherings, through the prayer chain and on Tuesday mornings we have the opportunity for people to prayer for you and our church family.
Regular activities
Prayer chain
We have a network of people at TBC who love to pray confidentially for specific needs. Contact the TBC office and ask for one of the Pastoral Team to share your request for prayer. Church members can also contact Margaret Coverly through ChurchSuite.
Ministries Prayer Meeting
Join us at 8:45am on Tuesday in Cherwell to pray for lives and situations around us.
Green buckets
If you’re with at one of our Sunday Services and have a prayer request, we’d invite you to write it down at put it in one of the green buckets for the team to pray about during the week.
Sunday Pray
On the first, third and fifth (where there is one) Sundays each month our Sunday service is ‘Sunday Pray’ – a stripped back service focused on prayer. There may be a short message or an acoustic song, but the main focus it to gather to pray together and to hear God’s voice on the issues of the moment.
For more information speak to
Sally Allen
Practical Discipleship Minister

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