“You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.”
Matthew 5:14-16
TBC has been at the heart of the Longmead and Trench community for nearly 50 years. We believe God wants to restore lives; individually, as families and as communities, so we’re here to help.
We believe God wants to restore each of our lives; individually, as families and as communities. At TBC we’re actively engaged with all ages within the local community and there are numerous opportunities to take part. Activities for adults are listed below; see the Youth or Kids pages for their programmes.
Regular activities and partnerships
Open House
Every Wednesday & Friday
10 – 12 noon
@ Tonbridge Baptist Church
Open to all
Our Open House team are ready to welcome you each Wednesday and Friday morning at TBC. Everyone is welcome. Alongside coffee and biscuits, games and a chat, we hope you will find friendship, a listening ear and a safe place. Open House meets every Wednesday and Friday from 10am – 12 noon at TBC.
Enjoy tea and coffee, read the paper, or perhaps play games such as scrabble and pool. Our team are happy to chat and pray with anyone who comes along, and will help point you in the direction of organisations that could be of further help. Our local PCSO and debt advice centre are both regular visitors and are happy to chat to you.
Friday Five
Every Friday
@ Tonbridge Baptist Church
Open to all
A five minute thought for the day. We’d love you to join us as we take a moment to pause amid the busyness of everyday life.
Every Wednesday
10.30 – 12 noon
@ Tonbridge Baptist Church
Open to all
A midweek morning group for men and women of all ages and abilities with a gentle, easy to pick up game of Badminton and coffee is served afterwards as we join Open House.
Clothes 2 Go
Every Wednesday in term time
10 – 12 noon
@ Tonbridge Baptist Church
Open to all
Quality second-hand clothes for all the family, for a nominal charge. This runs alongside Open House every Wednesday in term time. Donations are welcome – please bring them along on a Wednesday morning if possible, or leave them in Reception marked “Clothes 2 Go”.
The Tonbridge Area Churches Together are a group of churches of different denominations from across Tonbridge who work together to provide town wide events, training and services to our local community. You can find our teams all over the town, on Saturdays a group gather on Tonbridge high street to offer prayer in the form of the nationwide initiative ‘Healing on the Streets’ as well as numerous coffee mornings, town wide services along with ‘Catch the Wave’ (our town wide youth event).
Not a member yet? Get in touch to find out more